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Chinese translation for "fallacy of composition"

合成谬误 一种认识错误,认为对个体成立的情形,对于群组或整个系统也同样成立。

Related Translations:
fallacy:  n.谬误,谬见,谬论,错误。 a pathetic fallacy (诗人认为万物都有感情的)感伤的谬妄。
pathetic fallacy:  感情的误置〔指对自然界现象或无生命事物的拟人化〕。
auditory fallacy:  错听
logical fallacies:  逻辑谬论
causal fallacy:  因果谬语
sentimentalist fallacy:  感伤主义者的谬误
group fallacy:  群体谬误
s fallacy:  赌博者的错误
ambiguity fallacy:  模糊错误
type fallacy:  类型谬误
Example Sentences:
1.On the basis of classifmg deflation into moderate deflation and harmful deflation , this paper summarized the achievements of the deflationary research , and made a thorough inquiry into the harm , cause and treatment of deflation . the paper analyzed the fallacy of composition , and pointed out that the fallacy of composition owns two characteristics of self - intensifing and mutual - promoting , which make deflation continue and aggravate . the asymmetry between individual and total is another basic characteristic owned by the fallacy of composition , which changes the economic fluctuation if the fallacy of composition develops continually
2.The fallacy of composition is a kind of " macro - market failure " , so the stabilization policy should be chosen by the state . also , the paper analyzed the economic bodies " responses and the state ' s behaviors in the deflationary environment , and studied the price fluctuations in the money angle , and finally summarized the causes of the deflation in our country , pointing out that over - investment is the main factor . several suggestions about setting up some institutional and physical infrastructure facilities are brought forward in the end
Similar Words:
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